The Secret Beach: By James Papalia from Ep 93
Heidi Langbein-AllenProfile Photo

Heidi Langbein-Allen

I am a first-time author. My book "Save the Last Bullet" is a story about my father's traumatic experience as a WWII child soldier in the Nazi army. I am working on publishing my book and plan to continue writing about transformational experiences.
Stop Press: Heidi has just signed a book deal with publishers Pen and Sword. Hopefully available 2022.

Nov. 8, 2022

87 German Boy Soldier 2 - Save the Last Bullet

The Memoir of a Boy Soldier In Hitler's army

Episode page
May 26, 2021

69 German Boy Soldier Willi Langbein WW2

Save the Last Bullet by Heidi Langbein-Allen. The biography of a 13 year old who had his youth cruelly stolen by the Nazis during six years of WW2, from witnessing Jewish persecution to hand-to-hand fighting on the front line.

Episode page